Sunday, July 15, 2012


The Desert Born notion of property is different from what is generally understood as property among offworlders, and is a frequent source of often-deadly misunderstandings.

Land rights, in particular, revolve not around specific boundaries or tracts of land but rather around rights to collect resources found at a particular location, and these rights belong to the clan as a whole rather than to specific persons. In theory, all resources on the planet are considered to belong to one Desert Born clan or another; in practice, given the military strength and political power of offworlders, the Desert Born tend to accept infringement on resources like oases, cactus groves (valued for the water they contain) and spice patches, etc., as "the price of doing business." In general, the closer a resource is to a seeq, the more likely it is to be aggressively defended.

Cultural property such as inherited names, the right to display certain crests, perform certain ceremonies, etc., is also held within the clan, or sometimes within a specific House of that clan. 

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